Velšteriér v. Welsh Terrier
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Kdyžtak prosím napište do komentářů, jaké máte s velšteriéry zkušenosti a vaše názory ;-)
The Welsh Terrier looks like a small Airedale Terrier: compact and rugged-looking, with a wiry coat. The head is long, flat and rectangular, with bushy eyebrows, mustache and beard. The Muzzle is squared at the end, never pointed and is somewhat deeper than that of the Fox Terriers. The v-shaped ears fold forward. The nose is black and the almond-shaped eyes are small and dark.The harsh wiry coat comes in black & tan and grizzle. Puppies are born all black. The extremities then lighten gradually, leaving a black "jacket." The tail is docked and carried gaily.
Velšteriér vypadá jako malý Elderteriér: kompaktnější, drsnosrstý, drátovitým kožichem. Hlave je dlouhá, plochá a obdélniková, se silným obočím, knírem a vousy, čenich je také obdélníkový a nikdy ne zaoblený poněkud hlubší a výraznější než u Foxteriérů. Uši jsou ve tvaru V. Nos je černý. Mandlovité oči jsou a malé a tmavé - ve tmě svítí zeleně. Drsná srst je černá, tříslová a šedá. Narozená štěnáka jsoucelá černá. Osvětlená místa postupně přecházejí v černý kabátek. S ocasem velšové vesele vrtí.
The Welsh Terrier is a vigilant, active, cheerful and uncomplicated dog, which is affectionate and intelligent. Loving, loyal and hardy, it is usually patient with children and can withstand a bit of rough play. Welsh Terriers are curious and playful. Happy, energetic and spunky, they are best with a young, active family. Welsh Terriers are generally brave, though some tend to be timid when touched unexpectedly. Some are very combative with other animals and some are not quarrelsome at all. The Welsh Terrier is a little calmer than the other long-legged terriers. He likes to swim and some like to dig. Some can be difficult to housebreak, especially bitches. The Welsh Terrier is bright enough to understand quickly what you want of it but is also cunning enough to try to divert you from your intentions.
Velš je bdělý, pozorný, moc moc moc aktivní, veselý, nekomplikovaný pejsek, který je afektovaný a inteligentní, milující svou rodinu, loajální, ale tvrdohlavý,má trpělivost s dětmi a umí odolávat trochu hrubým hrám...ty ho spíše ještě více rozdovádí. Je zvědavý a hravý, veselý, energetický, odvážný (s tim nesouhlasim - ten náš se bojí i pavouku a cíleně zašlapavá tlapkama mravence.) Nejvíce se hodí k mladé energetické rodině. Statečný, ačkoliv má občas tendenci být bázlivý (jednou ten náš štěkal ze strachu na pavouka :-), když se ho něco nečekaně dotkne. Něktří velšové se občas perou a někteří dokonce se perou, hašteří se všemi ostatními zvířaty, člověka nevyjímaje. Je trochu klidnější než ostatní douho-nozí teriéři. Nesnáší vodu - ta naše má z vody panickou hrůzu, ale mytí tlapek ve vaně jí už tolik nevadí. Velš snad porozumní tomu, co po něm člověk chce, to je užitečné, zejména při výcviku. Ale také mazaný, jak se ulejt ze zadaných požadavků.
The Welsh Terrier is untiring. It is always ready to play with a ball and to run and gambol off the leash in the open countryside. On the other hand, if you occasionally find it impossible to spend this kind of time with your dog, it will accept it without making a fuss. The Welsh Terrier likes to chase after things, so don't let them off the lead except in an enclosed area - unless the dog is very well trained.
The Welsh Terrier needs to have its coat plucked two, three, or more times a year depending upon the condition of the coat. It also requires grooming with a brush and comb a number of times each week. The dogs that are to be shown will require even greater levels of attention to their grooming. The longer hair at the feet, on the belly, and around the face, give the Welsh Terrier its typical appearance. This breed sheds little to no hair.
The Welsh Terrier was originally developed in Wales to hunt otter, fox and badger in their dens and also to hunt with hounds in packs. The breed was probably an offshoot of the old British Black & Tan Terrier. The Welsh Terrier was first shown in England in 1884 and first imported to the United States in 1888. For sometime it had existed as the old Reddish-Black Wirehaired Terrier. Today's Welsh Terrier is primarily a companion dog, but still retains his hunting ability. Some of the Welsh Terrier's talents include: hunting, tracking, watchdogging, agility, and performing tricks.
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My dog had cranial cruciate ligament surgery February 14 2020. He is a 9 Year old beagle-chihuahua-jack mix. When I gave him his first glucosamine pills he refused to eat them. Not unusual. I had pill pockets for his meds and tried wrapping the glucosamine tablets in the pill pockets. He loved them so much that now every morning after he has eaten he stands around waiting for his tablets wrapped in the large pill pocket split in half. He is acting like a new pup and I can’t detect the pain he was having. His leg is much better and is a healthier happier pup. He likes the chicken and peanut butter pill pockets. We both are much happier! Great solution for a picky dog.
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Previous Close 3.8921 Open 3.9103 Bid 0.0000 x 0 Ask 0.0000 x 0 Day's Range 3.7300 - 4.1500 52 Week Range 2.7500 - 23.9000 Volume 819,807 Avg. Volume 486,543. Today, selective breeding and genetic augmentation allows cannabis growers to produce purple plants without subjecting the plants to cold weather. You can grow purple cannabis strains in a controlled environment without stressing the plants out.
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Вокруг обсадной трубы экскаватор выкапывает котлован шириной около 2 м. Данные для глубины берутся из паспорта на скважину. Дно котлована выравнивают.С помощью крана на дно котлована опускают бетонную плиту с отверстием для обсадной трубы – дно будущего кессона. Использование донной плиты обязательно ввиду риска усадки и вымывания грунта под кессоном.Далее с помощью крана на бетонной плите размещают от 2 до 4 бетонных колец. Стандартная высота кольца составляет 90 см.Далее рабочий с помощью лестницы спускается вниз, заделывает стыки бетонных колец цементным раствором.Отверстие вокруг обсадной трубы засыпается плотно мелким щебнем либо цементно-песчаной смесью.В первом бетонном кольце проделывают отверстия для вывода труб. Выкапывают траншею от кессона в дом, для прокладки водопровода.Прокладывают водопровод. Выводят систему полива участка.Устанавливают в кессоне гидроаккумулятор, фильтр, системы автоматики.Поверх бетонных колец опускают верхнюю плиту. Отверстие для обслуживания обустроенной скважины закрывается полимерной крышкой люка.Стыки заделывают цементным раствором.Щели вокруг кессона засыпаются выкопанным ранее песком.Монтаж кессона и обустройство скважины закончено.
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Be careful, we think of this strain as a creeper… as it takes a few minutes for this strain to take full-effect. White Rhino has a sweet, distinct kush after-taste on the exhale sure to make this strain a favorite for any Kush lovers. Not one of the prettiest buds we have ever seen… but they are well cured, well trimmed, and produced one of the strongest smelling odors we have tested in awhile. Especially once the medicine was ground up. It should be no secret why people seem to love, rant, and rave about White Rhino… it’s fantastic.
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Genetics stem from an OG strain, but thus far have remained a mystery to the public due to breeder secrecy for Wiz Khalifa. There’s also evidence of the oil’s anti-inflammatory properties. Together with its ability to kill P. acnes and P. granulosum , tamanu oil may also be helpful in treating inflamed acne. Mah SH, et al. (2018). Comparative studies of selected calophyllum plants for their anti-inflammatory properties. DOI: 10.4103/pm.pm_212_18.
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If growers are looking for a higher yield, it is recommended that they grow indoors. At least half – or worse, more – of the yield will be male. To produce more calyx-filled buds, growers should soak the seeds before germination. If the seeds are grown indoors, growers can usually harvest within 9 to 10 weeks.
Stinger Detox has a massive range of products, but what really makes them stand out is the “5x Extra Strength” drink, which can serve you a clean bill of urine in just 60-90 minutes. Way less time than most other detox drinks. Another added benefit is that you end up drinking way less fluid than most of the other detox drinks available. The initial bottle is only 237mL, which you refill twice with water and drink down. For a total of a measly 711mL. Pee three or four times prior to testing, then you’re good for testing. The company does note that their drinks work best if you steer clear of dairy products and eat healthily. They also suggest staying regularly hydrated with water. Which is good advice whether you’re testing or not. From this crossbreed proceeding from one of the most spectacular of all individual indica phenotypes and lavender sativa emerges this beautiful purple lady with dense clusters of flowers coated with resin that emanate lavender and fruity flavours.
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While 100 different people may describe 100 different experiences, there are a few thoughts and sensations that are frequent offenders in weed panic attacks. Intensified feelings of social anxiety are very common – from general concerns like “what if my friends/partner/co-workers/pets secretly hate me?” to concerns directly related to your current experience, like “Does everyone in the room think I’m weak for being unable to handle my weed?”
However, there are consequences mainly relating to growth. The buds will stop growing, which will affect the yield, although the THC content won’t necessarily be affected. Plants grow during the hours of daylight so if these are reduced to speed things up, the harvest will inevitably be smaller.
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In February of 2019, I purchased 7 different strains from MNSL, in varying amounts, for a total of 100 seeds. They have reasonable prices, good freebies, rewards points, stealth packaging and quick shipping times. The germination rates, however, ranged from good to bad. I decided to use some of the seeds and save some for another time. Here are the mixed germination results I got from the 7 strains. Within the last few weeks before harvest, buds become very susceptible to mold, both the white fuzzy kind and the dark brown or gray dusty kind. The bigger and denser your buds, the easier it is for mold to take hold.
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Double Glock is an indica variety from Ripper Seeds and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of В±63 days ) and outdoors . Ripper Seeds' Double Glock is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds. Concentrates.
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Weed is legal in Alaska for both medical and recreational purposes. However, users cannot consume marijuana in public spaces. According to new state laws, adults aged 21 and older may possess, grow and gift up to six marijuana plants. Be aware, however, that only three of these plants can be mature and flowering at any given time.
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Marijuana Deals Near You. Although not available at all dispensaries throughout North America, some pot shops have been carrying Rainbow Kush. This strain has also grown in demand to become a regular at many different Amsterdam coffee shops.
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