Salt lake city - zajímavá místa
12. 11. 2006
Temple Square in Downtown Salt Lake City
Temple square , the worldwide headquarters of the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Temple Square is home to the historic Salt Lake Temple, the Tabernacle, the Assembly Hall, and numerous monuments, fountains, and statues. Temple Square is the most visited attraction in Utah
A statue of Angel Moroni stands atop the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mormons believe the angel handed Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, golden tablets
Porter Rockwell's grave site (center) in the Salt Lake Cemetery.
The Utah State Capital was constructed on the north bench of the Salt Lake Valley overlooking the city center. The design followed that used on the United States Capitol building and the Maryland Statehouse
This zoo features more than 1,100 animals from all over the world. The zoo is home to more than 100 endangered species. For most people, the only place to ever be able to see these critters is in a managed place like a zoo, and we love going there.