Salt lake city - lidé a události, olympijské hry 2002
V předchozích příspěvcích k SLC jsem se ještě zapomněla omluvit za pravopisné, slovosledné a jiné chyby - které myslím budou nejvíraznější v tomto článku :-)
Interesting incidents and people…
The city spent millions dolars to prepare for the olypmic games 2002.
Our republic won 3 medal
Aleš Valenta won a gol medal in acrobatic skiing. Kateřina Neumannová won two silver medals in Cross country run.
Dale Morgan (1914 – 1971)
Historian Dále morgan is important person, that was born in SLC. He issued lot of books about Mormon’s history and about history of SLC. In September 1942 he followed the great national flow to wartime Washington, D.C. There he worked in a war agency but found time to search the National Archives and the Library of Congress for Mormon and Western materials including information on Indian and mountain-man activities. Morgan's had been a precarious existence in the postwar years. This was amended by his 1954 appointment as a senior historian at the University of California's Bancroft Library, where he continued his work unimpeded. Tragically for Utah and Mormon history, Morgan died at the age of fifty-six in 1971. Much of his projected work on Mormon and Utah themes was still unfinished.
Patrick Fugit
Appealing young upstart Patrick Fugit got his big break playing a character based on a teenage Cameron Crowe in the filmmaker's acclaimed rock feature "Almost Famous" (2000).
He played pre. In ,,Saved‘‘ , ,,Spun‘‘ or in ,,Dead birds‘‘.